Well, Easter's coming up fast! Last night we colored eggs. Emma personalized the process by developing a "tye dye" technique, and Michael experimented with stickers and multiple egg baths, like a true scientist. I had to intervene at one point, because somehow Emma ended up laying claim to eight eggs while Michael could only identify four that were his, but we got that problem straightened out. A few tears were shed along the way, too, when favorite creations were dropped and cracked on the floor, but overall it was a fun experience. You can see how "into it" Jon was (see background).
This week turned out differently than I'd thought it would-- I thought I'd be on my own, with Jon gone for two weeks of training for his new job. But his clearance to work for the new employer has been unexpectedly delayed, and that combined with his concern to be around should the baby decide to make an appearance have kept him nearby (this week, anyway).
So all this week, when the kids are at school, Jon and I have been working together on the old house. So far he's repaired and painted walls in the living room, office, kitchen, and our bedroom. He's doing the sheet rock in the upstairs bathroom and has already started patching holes in the kids' bedrooms, with plans to paint their walls too. I've been cleaning and scrubbing throughout the house. All the "tough stuff"-- oven, refrigerator, cabinets-- are done. When Jo
n's finished we'll have someone come in and clean the carpets. Then I'll do a final wash and shine on the floors.
We took steps to have the house listed with a guy Jon's worked for in the past, who manages rental properties. We'll have to pay him half of the first month's rent, but he takes care of advertising and showing the house to potential renters, as well as doing background checks and getting lease documents in order. So hopefully in April or May we'll have a renter.
This week we noticed that a neighbor's dog, a big chow, is sniffing and barking around our new property in Colfax (loose). He doesn't come up to our house, but it looks like he's used to walking on our land and having the run of the place. Jon doesn't like it one bit and started talking about getting a wrist rocket (sling shot?) to scare it off yesterday.
Actually, though, this morning was funny... Coco happened to be outside (loose-- yes, we do it too) at the same time Mr. Big Tough Neighbor Dog was loose on our land. I heard Coco barking first, then I heard big old deep barks. I looked out the window and saw Coco barking and trotting up the hill toward him (wagging her tail). I thought I better call Jon, in case there was a "rumble". But by the time Jon made it to the window, Mr. Big had beat a hasty retreat back to his side of the hill and Coco was holding her ground. Jon called her back into the house, and she trotted indoors, nonchalantly, as if to say "Oh? You'd like me inside? Okay... but things were fine. I've already dealt with bears in Rhinelander, you know."
This weekend we thought we'd take the kids to a local farm where they're having a lambing barn open house. Emma can't wait but Michael's not sure why we're going to make him interact with baby sheep.
On Easter Day we plan on going over to Jon's sister Sally's house in Holcombe for a nice meal and Easter egg hunt. I think it's just going to be just us, Sally's family, and Bud and Jane. Emma loves going over there-- for one thing, Sally has a hobby farm with horses, chickens, and cute little dogs, and Emma loves helping check the coop for eggs. Plus Aunt Sally is a lot of fun and always up for anything.
I'm ending with a cute "old" photo of Emma and Coco blowing bubbles on Jim's deck-- this dates back to (our first time?) meeting Jim, at his home it Fitchburg. Remember the cute puppy poop we left you in your basement? Bucky was a kitten hiding under the couch, and Uncle JoJo had to protect him from Emma's desire to carry him around like a toy.
Happy Easter, everyone!
PS: Check out this link (hope it works; maybe just try copying and pasting it to your browser) to see a clip from Adam Hurlburt's band, Solid Gold. Adam is Jon's brother Phil's oldest boy, and is part of a really good band out of Minneapolis, that has been making the international scene lately: http://2008.sxsw.com/music/showcases/band/62517.html
haha. that's all really funny. i can imagine the tears being shed over the eggs.
i like the photo of the kids goofing around and jon sitting in his chair with the fire crackling in the background. looks happy and relaxed.
Laurie and Susan,
Thanks for the feedback! Say, I just added something new to the bottom of this same blog entry. It's a link to Adam Hurlburt's band (you can hear a clip and see a picture of them). Kind of neat to see a relative making their name in cyber space!
i like Solid Gold's music. i'll pass it on to my friends around here. sounds like it do well with france's indie dance scene.
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