I had just given Leila a bottle and was patting her back, waiting for a burp. And what did she start doing? She began patting my back with her chubby little hand. So, for a brief moment, as her head rested on my shoulder and my cheek rested on the top of her head, we hugged and patted each other on the back, in silence.
Such a simple little gesture, but so touching to me! Her little pat was comforting and natural and infinitely dear.
It was one of those moments when I realized that this is what it's all about, this is why I'm home making zero dollars (when we could always use more).
It's just a simple, loving moment that passes between people. It comes and goes very quickly. An outsider looking in at the scene (as in a movie) wouldn't even notice that something significant had happened.
But there it is... it happens, and suddenly the world is a happier place for those involved. Things make sense. The day takes on a magical quality, a richer texture.
It's the kind of thing that gets spoiled as soon as you try to put it into words. As I write this, I realize that many would find these comments trite and sentimental. Like a Hallmark card. Emotional blather.
So I better quit before I ruin the experience entirely, in my attempt to verbalize it. But it was a happy moment, and I feel compelled to share.
Until our crew of little ones showed up to bless our household, I may have thought this trite, a function of too many sappy movies and female hormones. I understand your sentiments perfectly, and share them completely!
Brother Don
'what do you do with all your education?' I am learning to be a mom. Every day we learn something new from our little ones, good bad or otherwise, and I am reminded as you are that these are times that we can not replace, I am glad I share them with my kids, not some stranger.
what a sap...naw, just kidding.
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