and did quiet things. Watched a few movies, read some books.
So for subject matter, would you mind if I indulged my Mommy-ness and reflected on Leila for awhile?
Besides sprouting teeth she's begun doing other new things, as well. This weekend, for instance, was the first time I've ever seen her bat at her own head with a hairbrush.
She's crossing that line from passive baby to active toddler. She learning to interact with her world and make things happen (in ways that don't just involve crying).
Emma and I showed her how to pick up toys and put them back in the box. You should see how puffed up and important she gets after she puts a toy in the box and we clap our h
Sometimes when I'm holding her on my hip, doing something (maybe fixing her a bottle, or even just walking through the house), she'll suddenly lurch forward and peer into my face, trying to see my eyes. I look at her, and I can't describe how sweet her response is: our eyes meet and she beams. That's what she wanted and she is completely satisfied.
What do you suppose that's about? I don't know, but I'm bewitched by it.
Some of Leila's bangs are pretty long and won't stay out of her face, so I mentioned to Jon over the phone that maybe I should trim them. He insists that no clipping take place until he is home and able to evaluate the situation for himself.
When he makes little pronouncements like that I realize how much he loves her, too. Every hair on her head is brand new, shiny, and precious. You don't cut it lightly or as an afterthought.
1 comment:
cute blog. i'm sure this time away from jon has been hard on everybody. i'm so glad that ya'll will be coming down here this weekend! it means a lot to us.
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