Monday, March 9, 2015

Dad's Birthday and the First Spring-Like Weather

Dad's Birthday
This blog will be short and sweet! Mostly pictures :).

A couple of weekends ago we went to Rhinelander to celebrate Dad's 85th birthday and visit with a couple of my brothers (John and Bill) and sister Laurie. It was a nice time... Dad was in good health and spirits. We went out to eat at Pizza Haven, and I got to say hi to a couple of people I worked with there about 20 years ago.

Pizza Haven is one of my repetoire of (stressful) dream settings, along with the hallways of RHS and the UWEC campus. These are places where I've forgotten my locker combination, realized I haven't been going to a very important class, haven't done my homework, etc., etc. The Pizza Hut stress dreams invariably revolve around memories of my poor waitressing skills... forgetting people's orders, writing things down sloppily and slowly, not noticing that there are tables waiting for me... you get the idea.

Oddly enough, I have another reason to reference dreams in this blog...

Emma in the snow

Leila with her friend Jenna

Emma's friend Jacqueline, sledding

Chickens loving the warm temps

Jon did hotdogs and brats on the charcoal grill!

It turns out there is another Pomeranian running around the neighborhood (besides our Teddy). We were in the house this weekend when Emma said "What happened to Teddy?" She pointed to a wet and raggedy Pomeranian running across our back yard. I assumed Teddy had run through a puddle. But then, perking up at the sound of his name, the real Teddy walked up behind us. Who was the imposter dog outside-? We watched Pseudo-Teddy vanish down the driveway.

It was then that freaked-out Emma revealed she'd dreamt about two Teddys... an evil one and a good one... a few weeks ago. She'd let what she thought was the real Teddy into our house, then looked at him and realized he was all gnarly and diabolical. Creepy, huh? So of course I did what any good mother would do and immediately turned that into teasing material (remember "Evil Lisa", Don?).

"Emma, how come when you look away Teddy starts foaming at the mouth and glaring at you?"

Emma and her friend Katie at the mall

Running into our neighbor Janetta at the mall
Jackson in the train conductor hat Michael used to wear

Leila and Jack play on an old chalkboard Jon brought home from work

 Happy March!!!