Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Update on the Big Move

Sorry I don't have any new pictures to post-- things have been chaotic lately. But I want everyone to know that we have moved into our new house-- hurray! We still have lots of stuff left in the Eau Claire house, but plan to bring the miscellaneous over gradually during the next few weeks. Most of our furniture, clothes (and us!) are already in Colfax.

I will post my new address and phone number soon. It's kind of hard to get a hold of us right now because only our cell phones are operational, at this point, and we don't have internet service yet (I'm updating this blog at work). If someone needs to reach me, call my cell (I'm leary of giving that number out over the internet, but Mom knows it-- ask her if you're not sure). Just be aware that I can't hear messages you leave on my cell (but I can see if you called or will answer directly if I hear the ring).

So, like I said: chaos! But good chaos, if that's possible. We had helpers this weekend and managed to get quite a bit done. Jon's brother Phil and nephew Jacob helped move furniture Saturday, and Phil's wife brought over wonderful food for us: crockpots full of barbeque and cheesy potatoes, dessert bars, veggies and dip, chips... we ate well. Mom and Dad came by and picked up a display cabinet I "gave" to Mom ("gave" is in quotes because they actually had to spend over $80 in gas to come get it and haul it in the old blue van). But they got to see the house. I think Dad's first impression was how confusing it was to get there (lots of turns and back roads)-- and honestly, I got lost a few times in the beginning. But the house and the wonderful wooded setting make it well worth it.

On Sunday Jon's Mom and two sisters came over and helped me pack up kitchen stuff. Sally's husband helped Jon load up my china cabinet, and then we all hauled things over to the house in our vehicles. More good food was brought for us, including two kinds of cookies, pumpkin bars, and more.

Which left us with lots of boxes and mayhem! But over the past few days I've gotten our beds made up and clothes put away. Also most of the kitchen and bathroom items are in place. Tonight I'll try to get things cleaned out of the dining room area (since we're not letting the kids eat in the living room... yet). Then I'll try to address the office area. Right now our bills and personal papers are boxed up somewhere... guess I better find those soon.

I had a doctor's checkup yesterday, and all is well with the baby. I even asked that they check me to make sure I wasn't "progressing" too fast, since the moving process requires me to be more active than usual. But everything was normal and it sounds like I can keep pacing myself as I've been. Which is a very good thing, because right now it would be torture if I had to lay still on bed rest or something-- I LOVE the unpacking and decorating part. Plus, with Jon gone during the week, it's up to me to drive the kids to school, shovel the driveway as needed, etc. Plus I'd like to keep working as long as possible; the extra income is small but helpful.

Well, hopefully the next time I update this blog it will be from our home office, with our new internet provider. Hope all of you are well; take care!


Anonymous said...

i can't wait to come see the house with all the stuff in it! i'm so excited. :-)

Lisa said...

We can't wait for you to see it, Susan! And we can't wait to see you, too.

Anonymous said...

you should have things to show me when i get back, a new house and a new baby. pretty cool. congrats, bill