Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Riding the bus!

There they go (sniff!). This is a picture of Michael and Emma's first trip to school via bus, from our new home in Colfax.

Yesterday was actually the first day in their new classrooms, but we drove them to school to help show them where their classrooms are. We met their teachers and some of their classmates. We were there again after school got out, to show them which bus to get on. It was a good thing, too, because one of Emma's classmates told her to get on bus #16, and that would not have been the right bus. But, nonetheless, the kids were eager for us to PLEASE LEAVE, so they could try riding home on the bus yesterday. The trip home took about half an hour, so not too bad.

It didn't sound like there were any major traumas from the first day. Michael played football at recess with some of the boys, and Emma seems to be settling in as well. Though she did come in our room last night, with a bad dream: she dreamt her heart had broke ("really broke!") and said she had a pain in her chest. But she settled back into sleep and was fine this morning.

It was truly touching what a warm send-off the kids got from their old school. Each kid's class gave them a last day party. Michael came home with a backpack full of cards that each classmate had made for him. The day before his teacher had written us a wonderful letter talking about what a special boy he is and how much everyone will miss him. She sent her email address so we can email the class now and then. Michael said he gave her a nice hug at the end of the day. She is a tiny woman (less than 5 ft tall), so some of her third graders are bigger than her.

Emma's teacher had put together a book for her, with a class picture on the front and hand-written notes on each page from the different classmates. She also gave her a nice card and asked her to please write to the class and tell them about her new school. Both kids really were given the sense that they had made a difference at Longfellow and that everyone knew and liked them.

I feel guilty that we took them away from all that, but am hoping it will be worth it in the long run. It is a relief to have them start their new routine. Getting them started at their new school is one of the last big hurdles we had to cross before the birth of our new baby. I'll continue driving to Eau Claire everyday, to finish up my last few weeks of work, but am not likely to return to this job after the baby is born. I want time off with my newborn, and when I do return to work do not plan on commuting so far or paying for daycare on my current wage.

Jon is still trying to find something in Eau Claire that he can do for the next couple of months rather than work so far away and be gone all week. It will probably mean less pay, but we can tighten our belts a little. He worries (I guess I do, too) about the exact timing of the new baby... will I be in Eau Claire or Colfax when labor starts? Will it happen in the morning or late at night? How fast will it go? Will I be able to drive myself in? What about the kids? etc. But several of Jon's family members who live nearby have offered to help with the kids or drive me to the hospital (I need to be in Eau Claire for the delivery). So things will get done, one way or the other, and I don't need to panic!

Tonight afterschool I'm taking the kids to a "sibling" class at the clinic. They're supposed to bring a favorite doll or stuffed animal and learn about being a big brother or sister to a little baby. On Saturday Jon and I will attend a childbirth "refresher" course. I want to practice those breathing exercises and get a little pep talk on the whole thing. I'm increasingly nervous about the whole thing... can you tell?? It will be a relief to just get through the labor and have that little baby in my arms.


jkbinturkey said...

The kids will be fine in their new school. It's nice that they don't have to walk to far to the bus stop.

Happy B'day, Mom!


Anonymous said...

It is amazing how well kids adapt. If they only offered sibling classes for our pets!
