Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Snow White of Colfax Enjoys a Visit From Prince Charming

After a month of work in Colorado, Jon came home last Thursday for what he hoped would be a week-long stay in Colfax. That plan was cut short yesterday when he got the call to return to Colorado, to help haul equipment for the next job. Still, we were able to have him home for a long weekend. The kids (and I!) enjoyed our time with him.

The first big project Jon tackled this weekend was to clear away brush from the site where we hope to plant a very ambitious, large vegetable garden. He rototilled and laid old railroad timbers down for the border. He also used his Bobcat to slowly haul cow manure and black dirt to the garden from our neighbor's farm up the road (it must have taken him at least 50 trips).

We weeded and planted more flowers and decorative grass in the beds around the house. We also made all kinds of plans for new projects we hope to tackle around the yard this year.

Jon and the kids gave me plants and a lawn ornament for Mother's Day. We ate a late brunch on our way to Cornell, where we visited Bud and Jane for a few hours. Susan called while we were there, to wish me a Happy Mother's Day (which made my day; thanks, Susan!).
Here's Leila and Grandma Jane on Mother's Day. Mom, notice she's wearing that pink sweater you picked up on your trip to Georgia.

Our back yard is full of wood violets, dandelions, and moss. Emma loves the pretty "flowers", but we wish their was a bit more actual grass on our lawn.

Now that we're starting a vegetable garden, we're noticing how many large rabbits seem to call our yard "home". Jon suspects he's created lots of nice critter habitat in the process of clearing the land and pushing all that brush into nice fluffy piles.
Jon bought fencing for the garden, but on second thought returned it and decided we'll try one year without any fence. The fence is expensive ($150!) and critters would probably find a way under it, anyhow. We'll keep you updated on the results of this little gardening (and frugality) experiment...

Meanwhile, we've been enjoying the return of seasonal birds to our backyard. This weekend we observed a "new" kind of woodpecker at the suet feeder-- that makes four distinct kinds of woodpeckers we see here! There have also been orioles, finches, cardinals, doves, hummingbirds, robins, and many, many more winged friends outside our windows.

As I describe all this wonderful Nature around our wooded home, I'm reminded of one of those "Facebook" quizzes I took awhile ago ("Which Storybook Princess Are You?"). The result was Snow White.

I think I need to buy seven little garden gnomes for the yard. That way when I walk around outside, humming and petting any chipmunks or birds that perch on my shoulder, everyone will immediately notice my charming resemblance to that black-haired beauty.
(Did I just write that?)
Here's Jon laying timbers for our new garden. I was impressed with all the measuring and math he did in order to lay them straight and at 90 degree angles from each other.

Last night he and the kids went to a track meet in Colfax. They met Steve, Brent, and Kristen. Steve's son Brent and Kristen's son Alex were both competing. Steve and Brent came over for awhile afterwards (it was Steve's 39th birthday yesterday-- Happy Birthday, Steve!).

Jon got some sleep but then left us early this morning (3:30 am). He hopes to be home again next weekend.

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