Monday, March 15, 2010

Rhinelander, Note From Susan, Leila Video

Just a short blog this week (I promise!).

Saturday we went to Rhinelander to visit Mom. Dad was still on his trip to Florida.

Our days in Rhinelander were warm and sunny. It got up to 60 degrees while we were there, and Rhinelander seemed to have even less snow than we do here in Colfax. Despite the lack of snow, the lake ice was still thick enough for the town to host a big international ice fishing competition.

Leila has really been putting her little rubber boots to use. She LOVES the puddles, and just like Emma goes out of her way to walk through them (see the video I attached at the end of this blog).

At right, Mom and Emma cut out paper dolls.

While in Rhinelander, Mom and I did some clothes-shopping for the kids. They're all growing so rapidly they're in different sizes from what they wore six months ago.

Jon worked through the weekend. He'll be coming home this Friday, though, to attend Brent and Kristen's wedding in Cornell.

At right, the Bragg family home, in Rhinelander.

At left, the pine trees along Dad's wooded trail.

We came back to a lot less snow than when we left. The yard has mostly melted clear, though there are still remnants of the big snow piles that Susan and the kids made over Christmas, when they were building forts and had a snowball fight.

Last week the chickens resumed a practice we hadn't seen all winter: they started walking all around the yard--even as far as our driveway-- foraging for insects. And once again they're congregating on the deck leading up to our front door, to sun themselves and peek in at us through the screen door.

I take that as a definite sign of spring, since all winter they stayed pretty close to their coop. I had to coax them outside by moving their food and water out of the coop... even then, they would just take what they needed and jump back up to their nesting boxes.
At left, the sun sets over our empty garden. Once the leaves and greenery return, we won't be able to see much in the way of sunrises or sunsets... too many trees!
Susan started blogging (yea!). It's called "Institutionalized", and I think the concept of the blog is that she will talk about some of the things she encounters on the job, during her work at a variety of hospitals. Should be interesting (plus we get to hear from Susan more!!).
The link to her blog is
Here's that promised video of Leila and the puddles. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

super sweet video clip of leila enjoying a muddy puddle. i'm on spring break in 4 days! of course, the weather is supposed to drop back to the 30s by the first day....aargh!

Susan said...

why do you promise to give me short blogs when i like the novel-sized ones!

Lisa said...

Somebody likes those?? Well, that's all the encouragement I need. Next week, expect a novel!

Hope said...

Ah, chickens on the front porch...that brings back memories, nothing cures running barefoot outside like chickens roaming the yard! Ours liked to roost on my dad's tractor, what a ungodly mess, but the eggs were great!