Monday, January 17, 2011

Haircuts for the Girls... and 2 Sime Babies

Not much new to report here! Winter drags on. Either it's below freezing or it warms up enough for us to get another inch or two of snow.
Are you ready for a special MAKEOVER edition of my blog?? Well, last week I took the girls to a beauty salon. Emma had decided to give up her plans to not cut her hair for five years; she had two more years to go, but her hair was already almost down to her waist and had become very thick and hard to brush out.

Leila's hair had never been cut before. I think blond hair looks so pretty in braids and loved fixing it for her, but she was always somehow dipping those braids into sticky stuff and combing it out had become a daily cry festival.

Scissors, please?
I wasn't sure if Leila would cooperate with a haircut, but having Emma alongside her seemed to help and she sat still just long enough for the stylist to trim her bangs and shorten it in the back.

Emma wanted her hair to still be longish, so she didn't quite have enough to donate to Locks of Love, this time. But she loves her new, easier haircut. It saves her at least 10 minutes a day and is stylishly layered.

I saved a lock of Leila's hair for her baby book. Definitely my most golden-haired child.

Last week I was able to meet my baby grand-nieces, Audrey and Lauren Sime, for the first time. Audrey (at left) is my nephew Eric's daughter, and Lauren is Eric's brother Joe's daughter. The girls were born just a few days apart and spend their days together at their Grandma Ann's house (Ann is watching them while their parents work).

They are both so sweet-! Each one looks a lot like her respective father. As far as personality, Audrey is a content, cheerful, and outgoing baby... it didn't bother her one bit when I picked her up and held her. Lauren is maybe a bit more reserved and sensitive but also very content in Ann's care and a beautiful little girl.
I guess Audrey doesn't look so cheerful in the photo above left, but she was waiting for me to be done picture-taking so she could finally have her bottle! While I'm at it I'll hurry up and finish with this blog, too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The girls look so cute in their new hair cuts! I bet they enjoyed going to the salon.