Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Grandma Jane's Birthday Party and Trip to Kentucky

I think I can safely declare that it is now springtime in Wisconsin... I hesitate, of course, because this was one long, relentlessly cold winter for many of us here in the north. But finally the snow is gone, our grass is greening up, and our early-blooming perennials are standing proud.
Jon and his favorite "kid"

Spring time!

This year my mother-in-law's birthday fell on Easter Sunday, and her daughter Sally arranged a surprise family gathering for her at the Lion's Club pavilion in Holcombe. All of her kids and most of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren were able to make it.

"Happy Birthday" banner for Grandma Jane

 The family has gotten so large that it is hard to get everyone together in one place, but the pavilion is just the right size. It has an indoor/outdoor feel with plenty of picnic tables under its protective roof and a restaurant-style kitchen, counters and electrical outlets for setting up a potluck buffet, and a nice outdoor play area for little kids.

Many of Jane's grandchildren and great-grandchildren

Since it was Easter, there was an Easter egg hunt for the little kids, as well as a dance. Sally had brought over a comfortable chair for Jane to sit in while she watched the little kids play and opened her gifts.

Ann, Jane, and Sally

After the Easter egg hunt

Nephew Adam and his fiance, Jess

 It's been a rewarding 20+ years getting to know my in-laws. The little kids I met when I was first introduced to the family have grown up and started lives of their own. Many of them are pursuing their education or careers, marrying, and having children of their own. Meanwhile I'm getting to see my brothers and sisters-in-law become grandparents.

Harrison and Jackson

Emma was making funny faces / noises

Boston Hank

There are a couple of new babies in the family that I met for the first time at Grandma Jane's party. One was little Boston Hank, son of Lisa Meyer (daughter of Jon's sister Sally).

Kelsey, Luke, and Harrison

Gift opening


 The other baby I met for the first time was Calvin, son of Eric Sime (son of Jon's other sister, Ann).

Jon's brother Brent provided the two photos below. The first one is of five of Jane's grandsons, lined up from oldest to youngest: Andy, Adam, Nick, Jonathan, and Luke.


 The photo just above was taken at the party in April and is those same five grandsons, standing in opposite order (youngest to oldest, this time): Luke, Jonathan, Nick, Adam, and Andy.

Just recently we made a trip to Kentucky to visit a couple of the grandchildren missing from the photos above: my stepchildren Susan and David. Susan lives in Kentucky with her husband Jay and two dogs, Hazel and Olive. Before we arrived she had driven to West Virginia to pick up David and Logan. We all stayed at her house for the weekend.

David, Susan, Jon, and Leila

The weather was warmer than we're used to but not exactly hot... it got up into the low 70's while we were there. Good enough-! On our trip over, we started spotting some trees with leaves around the Madison, WI area, and more and more as we continued south. There were lots of flowering trees in Illinois and Indiana. Most, but not all, of the trees had leaves by the time we got to Kentucky.

The Johnstons

Jay's parents, Sharon and Dave, visited with us for awhile. We had an enjoyable hike in the hilly woods with them at one point. Jay's dad is very knowledgeable about the local plant life and helped us identify some tree nuts. On a previous visit he found some "poke" along the roadside that we tried. It was interesting and kind of tasty.

Just missing: Jonathan

 Logan and Emma spent a lot of time playing basketball and catch outside with each other and some neighbor kids on Susan's block. We played a board game one evening. The most memorable meal award of this trip went to the Chinese restaurant Susan and Jay took us to for lunch on Saturday. Unbelievably good, authentic Chinese food. Yum. We will return.

Jay on the roof

No Kentucky Derby pics, but how about this cool evil-looking factory?

Bare feet in the water

Leila latched onto Susan like a second mother. She slept by Susan every night and pretty much I was an old potato to her till we left the state :).

Silly picture!!!

The Little Kids

Two peas in a pod
Happy hiking

David was his usual happy, gentle self. He went on some walks with me by the river.

Exploring off-trail

Looking for beech nuts

Big Strong David = Piggy Back Rides


The kitchen re-model has been coming along, but isn't finished yet. The cupboards are hung but they don't have their dark wood facing or doors yet. The sink, stove, and refrigerator are all functional, and of course the floor and walls are mostly done. Little bit of painting and trim work still ahead.

All in all, it was a wonderful trip. I'm a baby when it comes to long car rides, but we managed to make it back in one day on the way home. It was nice getting back earlier than planned and having that extra time to rest before our normal lives resumed. Thank you Susan and Jay for being such wonderful hosts.

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