Thursday, September 3, 2009

See Ya, Kids...

It's that TIME again...
Me and Leila looked on as 3rd-grader Emma and 5th-grader Michael tried on new backpacks full of school supplies.

Their bus carried them away just minutes later-- while a blessed silence descended upon our house.

Actually, we weren't sure if Emma was even going to make it to this first day back. For the past week and a half (the whole tail end of her summer-!) Emma has been recovering from a miserable "flu" that we learned was caused by cryptosporidium.

No one else in our home or neighborhood was sick, but somehow Emma contracted a nasty water parasite that can take up to two weeks to fight off (and has been known to kill people!).

We're not sure exactly how she got it, but suspect it may have had something to do with her work at our neighbor's farm (along with a careless lack of hand-washing).

Here are the kids (and neighbor kids), on the last day of summer. From left to right: Emma, Makayla holding Leila, Michael, Daken, and Janetta.

Now, that doesn't mean that we plan on keeping Emma away from the farm. Nor will we be building her a bubble-wrap cocoon, spraying her with disinfectant, or keeping her in the house under my watchful eye 24 hours a day.

The benefits of an active, useful, outdoor lifestyle outweigh the risks (in my opinion). I like to see the kids climb trees (just not too high!), pick (edible) berries, play in the dirt, build a fort, hold chicks in their hands, water plants with rain water, roller blade, ride bikes, etc., etc.

All these things have potential risks.

Case and point: Leila, running down the path. Her feet are bare and she might step on a pebble. She could trip and stub a toe.

She could even step in chicken poop.

If any of those things happen, it's not the end of the world. Mommy will help her, and she will get better.

Meanwhile, she gets to enjoy the simple pleasure of cool brick and soft grass under her feet.

If some of these pictures look familiar, it's because I "borrowed" them from Laurie's blog. They're just too nice to only print once.


Brent said...

Hey little bro' you need to start doing some pushups if you are gonna wear those sleeveless "man shirts". Hurlburt arms have definition!

Lisa said...

yes. And the tops of our heads have hair!!!!!

(Jon says)

susan said...

That's funny lisa(dad)!