Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A SUPER Sunday

Jon grinning at the TV set (can you guess why??).

I'm sure I don't need to remind anyone what happened last Sunday: the Packers WON the Superbowl.

We watched the game at home and made a little party out of it; we had all kinds of snacks and munchies. Strictly speaking, I should admit I didn't actually watch the whole game. But I participated more than I usually do. I listened to the national anthem, caught snippets of the game here and there, laughed at a few of the commercials, and saw the Black-Eyed Peas perform at half-time.

That's a lot more interest than I usually show in a football game.

Though not always there, I knew exactly how the game progressed by the noise Jon and Michael made as they watched the game downstairs. There were lots of happy "whoops" and high-fives at the beginning... Packers in the lead. Things were tense in the second half... laments. Frustration, disgust, and an element of pain. General grumpiness. Followed, of course, by Sweet, Sweet Victory and praise of Aaron Rogers. Also some mild speculation over Brett Favre's thoughts at that moment (joined the Vikings so you could get a better chance at the Superbowl, huh, Brett?).

Michael is a Viking fan these days, but for purposes of this game benevolently decided to root for Green Bay again (since he admits to at least liking them better than the Steelers). It was fun having the whole family be on the same page again.

But watching the Superbowl wasn't the best thing we got to do on Sunday: earlier that day we went over to the Walters' house, and got to hold baby Jack for the first time.

Jack is doing great. The large bruise he had on the top of his head at birth is completely gone now. He has a couple of little scabs, still, from where the skin broke, but those are healing fast.

Jack is sweet little cuddlebug. He's already handsome. It was fun indulging my inner Grandma and seeing his little closet and dressers full of clothes and toys.

Jonathan, Lindsay and Jack had spent almost a full week in the hospital, and were very glad to finally go home. Saturday night was their first night on their own, and apparently it was a pretty sleepless one. Jack likes to spend his time being held and/or being fed, and has very well-developed lungs and vocal cords (so they said; he wasn't at all fussy while we were there admiring him).

Last week I mistakenly reported that Susan and her mom were coming for a visit that day. It's actually this coming weekend that they arrive.

It won't be a long visit, but hopefully we'll get to see Susan a little while she's here. We know she's very excited to be an aunt.

This week Jonathan starts his new job as assistant manager at Mona Lisa's. It'll be fun stopping their occasionally for drinks and meals.

Let me say again how proud we are of him and Lindsay; they really are stepping up and doing the best they can for little Jack and each other. There seems to be a lot of love there between the two of them.

Saturday was Michael's last basketball tournament of the year. The tournament was in Colfax, and Michael's team won first place! Way to go, guys. Michael and his team worked hard and improved greatly over the past three months.

Well, that's this week's news! Hope everyone is well and making it through our latest cold snap.

And if I don't write again before the 14th, Happy Valentine's Day!


Hope said...

Love Leila's Outfit!!!! I always have. Glad to see them get used!

Brent said...

Great update Lisa! Congrats to Mike on the BB tourney win! Jonathon - I had a $24 pork chop at Mona Lisa's a couple weeks ago. Gotta get your old uncle some coupons or something. Actually we love the place and hope to see you there next time.