Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Visit from Susan

Happy Valentine's Day!

This weekend was special because Susan came for a visit. She flew in with her mother to spend a few days in Wisconsin and meet baby Jack.

Saturday night Emma had a "sleepover" at Susan's motel room. The motel pool was open till 11 at night, so Emma brought her suit and had a blast swimming and hot tubbin' it with her big sister.

We picked up Emma in Cornell the next day, meeting her and Susan at Grandma Jane's house. Jonathan, Lindsay, and Jack were there too.

This was Grandma Jane's first time seeing Jack. We had lunch and visited for a few hours. In the afternoon Jon and the kids went to the nursing home to see Grandpa Bud. In the evening Susan followed us back to our house in Colfax and hung out for a few hours. It was fun having her around.

We plan to make a trip to Kentucky in April. We'll stay a few days at Susan and Jay's house and then make the 2-hour or so trip from there to West Virginia, to see David act in a play at his college. Hopefully we'll get to do some sight-seeing, too. It's been awhile since we've had a vacation of any kind!

I'll close with a picture of an eagle's nest Jon spotted along the "river road" (Hwy 178) to Cornell. If you look carefully you can see one of the two bald eagles that tended the nest while we were there. The nest is on a big tree overlooking the Chippewa River, and right next to the highway so pretty easy to see. Look for it next time you go to Cornell!

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