Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Brent's 60th Birthday Party

Saturday the kids and I went to Medford, for Uncle Brent's 60th birthday party. Brent is Jon's oldest brother.

Jon wasn't able to be there because he had to work. But all the other siblings were there... Eric, Phil, Sally, Mark, and Ann.

This was our first time seeing Brent and Kristen's new home. It's a spacious, airy house with vaulted ceilings and lots of beautiful woodwork. And it's conveniently located right next to a golf course. The Hurlburt boys will hopefully spend lots of sunny afternoons golfing there.

It's hard to believe Brent is 60! He's in very good health, still out there rollerblading, biking, and white-water rafting. Lots of energy and zest for life. His three grandkids made it to the party, though son Steve had to miss it because he'd just had surgery.

You can see Brent at right with his youngest grandchild, Nathan's daughter Macey May. With her big blue eyes and newly-developed sitting skills, Macey was the star of the show.

Jane gave Brent his baby book, still in very good shape and full of (now vintage) cards and well-wishes from friends and family of years past. Many of the loved ones who sent Brent these cards are gone now, so it was touching to page through it and have him and Jane remember these people.

Jane thinks Macey looks a lot like baby Brent did. She said she was always getting compliments on his adorable good looks.

Here's an example of one of their home's nice features: beautiful built-in bookshelves. The sisters-in-law and I had fun admiring their family pictures and collectibles.

Of course, it wouldn't be a Hurlburt gathering without great food. Brent and Kristen updated the snacks with lots of fresh fruit and veggies, but there was still plenty of comfort food like baked beans, ham, and fudge. We were all happy snackers.

The women mostly congregated in the kitchen, with Kristen's aunt. Leila liked hanging out there, too, sipping orange pop out of a big girl glass. (Susan, note she is wearing the fuschia-colored lace tutu you gave her).

The guys (and Emma) were mostly in the living room, kicked back on comfortable recliners.

I'll end with a picture of baby Jack, so you can keep up with his growth and changing looks. Lindsay's doing a good job being mama; he's plumping out nicely.

Hope everyone is doing well and ready for a rip-roarin' March.

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