Sunday, March 15, 2009

Fresh and Pretty

This posting will be short... not a lot happened here during the past week. But there are a couple nice pictures to share.

Leila has recovered from her cold (or flu... whatever it was!). She started crawling last weekend, and has been working at her new means of locomotion all week. She's picking up speed (and looking for mischief). Kitty has to sleep with one eye open, now.

Apparently, during the previous months when Leila was stuck sitting on a blanket in the middle of the floor, she spent a lot of time fantasizing about table lamps and electrical outlets. Now that she can maneuver to them, she crawls right over the top of her (now boring) toys to the lamp cords.

Our living room doesn't have a big, central ceiling light, so we rely on a series of small table lamps scattered about the room. I'm going to have to put some thought into how best to baby proof the house for this stage of her development (while still having light for the house!).

Jon worked this weekend. We plan to visit him next weekend, but this weekend we just stayed home.

To break up the monotony a little, I let the older kids have playdates on Saturday. Emma went over to our neighbor girl Cienna's house-- Cienna's family are the ones who hosted the neighborhood sledding parties this winter. They live on a hill without many trees, so most of their snow has melted away (we still have quite a bit around our house, probably due to shade).
But they do have puddles! Emma was hoping they did, and brought along her yellow rubber boots. She was able to make good use of them this weekend... it was warm, melting, and muddy outside.

While Emma splashed and giggled, Michael had his friend Rowdy over. They played board games mostly, but also went outside for awhile. Leila and I went for a nice stroller walk.
On Sunday we went to Cornell. We dropped off Girl Scout cookies to relatives who'd ordered them, and had a nice lunch with Bud and Jane.
We tried on the little white dress and hand-knitted sweater that Jane made for Leila's baptism. Jane gave Emma a pretty yellow dress that we think would be nice for Easter (and Leila's baptism).
Jane has a couple of new hats in the works for Leila and Emma. They were able to try them on (see the photo at left). What do you think?

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