Monday, March 2, 2009

Two Sniffling Sweet Peas

This posting will be short and sweet! I have two sick little girls home with me today. Here's a picture of them earlier this morning, taking it easy on the downstairs couch.

Jon worked this weekend, so once again the kids and I were on our own. Saturday Michael and Emma went to another sledding party at the neighbor's house. Leila and I didn't go this time, because she was already pretty sniffling and miserable on Saturday.

Here's a picture of her before she started feeling poorly, taken last week. I couldn't resist getting her this little "car" that also converts into a walker. She sits on it real nice and has fun shifting the "gear" and tweaking all its other little gizmos and doo-dads.

She's not quite ready for the "walker" feature yet. When it's converted she's supposed to be able to stand behind it and push it by the handle, but she pushes it ahead and doesn't bother moving her feet-- so would fall flat on her chin if I wasn't there to help.

Too early for walking, I guess.

There hasn't been any true crawling yet, either, but she's pretty mobile and getting closer. She gets in the crawling position and kind of pushes and stretches backward, like an inchworm. She backs herself into some crazy corners; I really have to keep an eye on her, at this stage!

I took this last one because of her static electricity hair. Shocking-!

We had quite the snowstorm Friday. We were hit with about eight inches of wet, heavy snow that fell during near white-out conditions. I was dreading the snow removal (no Jon this weekend!) but it wasn't as bad as I feared. One of our neighbors (Makayla and Janetta's father) came by on his 4-wheeler Friday night and plowed our driveway when the snowfall was about half-way done. Then another neighbor, Brian (a retired professor who's the "boyfriend" of our farming neighbor, Johnne) plowed our driveway with his tractor on Saturday morning. So all I had to do was shovel the sidewalk. Not bad!

I'll close with a picture of Emma holding a giant icicle. Have a great week!

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